New York Times :: Killing Them Softly
> The Bush administration announced a few weeks ago that it
> was halting payments to the Reproductive Health for
> Refugees Consortium because, it said, one of the seven
> charities in the consortium was linked to abortions in
> China. So I decided to do what the White House didn't -
> come out and see these programs we are slashing.
> That's where I met Rose Wanjera, a 26-year-old woman with
> one small child and another due about November (she isn't
> sure because she hasn't had any prenatal care). This month
> her husband was mauled to death by wild dogs, and she
> developed an infection that threatens her health and the
> unborn baby's.
> She turned to a clinic affiliated with Marie Stopes
> International, where a doctor treated her infection,
> palpated her bulging stomach and enrolled her in a
> safe-motherhood program. Unfortunately, this is the very
> aid group that the White House is campaigning against for
> supposedly being involved in abortions in China.
The cuts by this administration are unconscionable. But Kenya really needs to impose a moratorium on all new pregnancies until they are able to get this wild dog problem under control.