New York Times Magazine :: The Futile Pursuit of Happiness
> Among other things, this line of inquiry has led
> Loewenstein to collaborate with health experts
> looking into why people engage in unprotected
> sex when they would never agree to do so in
> moments of cool calculation. Data from tests in
> which volunteers are asked how they would
> behave in various ''heat of the moment''
> situations -- whether they would have sex with
> a minor, for instance, or act forcefully with a part-
> ner who asks them to stop -- have consistently
> shown that different states of arousal can alter
> answers by astonishing margins. ''These kinds
> of states have the ability to change us so
> profoundly that we're more different from our-
> selves in different states than we are from
> another person,'' Loewenstein says.
It is only in knowing that you cannot fully know yourself that you can even begin to know yourself.
The Onion offers this fitting companion piece :
Take-Charge, Can-Do Guy Makes Horrible Decisions