:: Gay People the "Pinnacle of Evolution", Study Says
> Bromhall claims that infantilism is rejected by straight people
> as they age -- and that by remaining in same-sex relationships,
> gay men and women are actually displaying superiority over
> their peers.
> "We've known for years that homosexuality is linked to a
> playful, creative character," he said.
> "Homosexuals excel as artists, thespians and other playful,
> mimetic professions. Being playful is at the heart of being human.
> It's something that should be celebrated. You could say that
> homosexuals are at the pinnacle of human evolution."
This article was among the Yahoo! most emailed for a while last week. Lacanian nonsense. Homosexuality doesn't mark the pinnacle of evolution, just another functional niche among many. Here it seems to involve a counter-reproductive variation (or multiple variations) in the sexual development of some organisms preserved matrilineally (as it would have to be, at least for men.) See the "Chromosomes X and Y : Conflict" chapter in Matt Ridley's book Genome for a succinct and informed overview of the issue. It is also almost certainly the case that the developmental mechanisms related to sexuality and their evolutionary development differ between gay men and lesbian women.