Main Entry: epiblogue
Function: noun

Date: 21st century

Etymology: Net English epi- + blog, from Middle English epiloge, from Middle French epilogue, from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos, from epilegein to say in addition, from epi- + legein to say -- more at LEGEND

: an afterthought posted online



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Thursday, August 07, 2003
Slate :: The Om Factor

> What is architectural modesty, exactly? Well, it can simply be a
> rhetorical reaction to oversized, over-exuberant architecture:
> a spare symbolism of quietude and restraint. More specifically,
> it has to do with the careful arrangement of forms—often using
> muted or transparent materials like glass or a restricted palette
> of colors—to produce a building commensurate with daily life
> instead of bigger than it.

A good philosophy for one's foreign policy, too. What a shame that Bush's $2 trillion ($3 trillion?) tax-cut (and now the out-of-control costs of unilateralist war on Iraq) couldn't have been dedicated to commissioning more small-scale buildings like these in America's neediest (and not-so-neediest) communities. I guess some of the give-back will trickle down in the form of philanthropic endowments. But there's no reason why the state cannot be philanthropic and a sponsor of modesty and style, too. (Except perhaps that it's elected by Americans.)



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