Main Entry: epiblogue
Function: noun

Date: 21st century

Etymology: Net English epi- + blog, from Middle English epiloge, from Middle French epilogue, from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos, from epilegein to say in addition, from epi- + legein to say -- more at LEGEND

: an afterthought posted online



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Friday, July 16, 2004
The Scientist :: Fighting for integrity

Apparent conflicts of interest do affect public perception, according to a recent CSPI survey of 1000 adults. While 59% of respondents had confidence in a hypothetical statement from "a Harvard professor supported by government research" stating that a drug is safe, 48% had confidence when the statement was attributed just to a "Harvard professor," 41% when it was attributed to "a Harvard professor whose research is supported by drug companies," and 24% when the statement was attributed to "a Harvard professor who owns stock in drug companies."

I'd like to know what industry connections this doctor who spoke on Talk of the Nation Tuesday has. Perhaps none. Nevertheless, the host did not ask.



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