Main Entry: epiblogue
Function: noun

Date: 21st century

Etymology: Net English epi- + blog, from Middle English epiloge, from Middle French epilogue, from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos, from epilegein to say in addition, from epi- + legein to say -- more at LEGEND

: an afterthought posted online



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Monday, February 16, 2004
LA Weekly :: George Bush and the Treacherous Country

> Nothing about Bush or his presidency makes sense
> without taking into account the theocratic psyche. Only
> once you consider the possibility that his administration
> means to “repeal the Enlightenment,” in the words of
> Greil Marcus, do Bush’s presidency and his conception
> of power, their ends and their means, become compre-
> hensible. Doubt is personally abhorrent to Bush;
> otherwise he couldn’t have assumed the presidency in
> the manner he did, with decisions and policies that from
> the first dismissed out of hand the controversy that
> surrounded his very election. This isn’t to suggest that
> his presidency is invalid, or to dispute the constitutional
> and legal process that produced it. It is to try and ex-
> plain how on the second day of his presidency — in what
> was his first major act as president — in such draconian
> fashion he could cut off money to any federally funded
> family-planning clinic that merely advised women that the
> option of abortion exists. This was more than just a
> message to the president’s evangelical constituency that
> he was undeterred by what happened in Florida in Nov-
> ember and December 2000. It was more than just a
> message to the rest of the country of the president’s
> contempt for it (which in part accounts for so many
> people’s intensity of feeling about him). It was, from the
> second day of the Bush presidency, a frontal assault on
> doubt.

Forward by Kelly.



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