Main Entry: epiblogue
Function: noun

Date: 21st century

Etymology: Net English epi- + blog, from Middle English epiloge, from Middle French epilogue, from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos, from epilegein to say in addition, from epi- + legein to say -- more at LEGEND

: an afterthought posted online



May 2000
December 2000
January 2001
May 2001
January 2003
April 2003
July 2003
August 2003
September 2003
October 2003
November 2003
December 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
April 2006




Saturday, February 28, 2004
New York Times :: Armies of Consumers: 1776's Secret Weapon?

> Deceptively simple, [Breen's] argument goes like this: two
> and a half million strong and scattered along 1,800 miles of
> coastline, the colonists had little in common besides a
> weakness for what Samuel Adams derisively termed "the
> Baubles of Britain." When Britain imposed stiff taxes on this
> appetite for stuff — without granting any political represent-
> ation — Americans responded with an ingenious invention
> with instant and widespread appeal: the consumer boycott.
> By the time the First Continental Congress was convened
> in September 1774, transforming mass consumer mobili-
> zation into a successful political rebellion was a relatively
> straightforward task.

And wherefore conservatives should be careful about pissing off gays with gratuitous constitutional amendments.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
New York Times :: Defiant Downloads Rise From Underground

> More than 300 Web sites and blogs staged a 24-hour online
> protest yesterday over a record company's efforts to stop
> them from offering downloadable copies of "The Grey Album."
> A popular underground collection of music, "The Grey Album"
> mixes tracks from the Beatles' classic White Album with
> raps from Jay-Z's latest release, "The Black Album."

Cool album cover -- hippest the Beatles have looked in 30 years.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
New York Times :: Now Preening on the Coffee Table: The TiVo Remote Control

> The peanut-shaped TiVo remote is at once playful and
> functional. A smiling TV set with feet and rabbit ears, the
> company's logo, graces the top. Distinctive buttons like a
> green thumbs-up and a red thumbs-down button have helped
> the remote win design awards from the Consumer Electronics
> Association.
Monday, February 16, 2004
Newsweek :: Who Killed Jesus?

> So why was the Gospel story—the story Gibson has drawn on—told
> in a way that makes "the Jews" look worse than the Romans? The Bible
> did not descend from heaven fully formed and edged in gilt. The writers
> of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John shaped their narratives several
> decades after Jesus' death to attract converts and make their young
> religion—understood by many Christians to be a faction of Judaism—
> attractive to as broad an audience as possible.

Will not see "The Passion." Jesus may have suffered for my sins. I'm not suffering for his.
LA Weekly :: George Bush and the Treacherous Country

> Nothing about Bush or his presidency makes sense
> without taking into account the theocratic psyche. Only
> once you consider the possibility that his administration
> means to “repeal the Enlightenment,” in the words of
> Greil Marcus, do Bush’s presidency and his conception
> of power, their ends and their means, become compre-
> hensible. Doubt is personally abhorrent to Bush;
> otherwise he couldn’t have assumed the presidency in
> the manner he did, with decisions and policies that from
> the first dismissed out of hand the controversy that
> surrounded his very election. This isn’t to suggest that
> his presidency is invalid, or to dispute the constitutional
> and legal process that produced it. It is to try and ex-
> plain how on the second day of his presidency — in what
> was his first major act as president — in such draconian
> fashion he could cut off money to any federally funded
> family-planning clinic that merely advised women that the
> option of abortion exists. This was more than just a
> message to the president’s evangelical constituency that
> he was undeterred by what happened in Florida in Nov-
> ember and December 2000. It was more than just a
> message to the rest of the country of the president’s
> contempt for it (which in part accounts for so many
> people’s intensity of feeling about him). It was, from the
> second day of the Bush presidency, a frontal assault on
> doubt.

Forward by Kelly.
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
New York Times :: The Coming Search Wars

> At the World Economic Forum in Switzerland last week,
> Microsoft, the software heavyweight, and Google, the
> scrappy Internet search company, eyed each other like wary
> prizefighters entering the ring.

Go Google!