Main Entry: epiblogue
Function: noun

Date: 21st century

Etymology: Net English epi- + blog, from Middle English epiloge, from Middle French epilogue, from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos, from epilegein to say in addition, from epi- + legein to say -- more at LEGEND

: an afterthought posted online



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Sunday, November 21, 2004
New York Times :: The Plastic Trap: Soaring Interest Compounds Credit Card Pain for Millions

Mr. Schwebel had stumbled into the new era of consumer credit, in which thousands of Americans are paying millions of dollars each month in fees that they did not expect and that strike them as unreasonable. Invoking clauses tucked into the fine print of their contract agreements, lenders are doubling or tripling interest rates with little warning or explanation.

The people hiding in caves that red state voters should really be scared about.