New York Times :: China Set to Act on Fuel Economy
> The Chinese initiative comes at a time when Congress is
> close to completing work on a major energy bill that would
> make no significant changes in America's fuel economy rules
> for vehicles. The Chinese standards, in general, call for
> new cars, vans and sport utility vehicles to get as much as
> two miles a gallon of fuel more in 2005 than the average
> required in the United States, and about five miles more in
> 2008.
Isn't The OC on tonight?
New York Times :: Beijing's Walls Come Tumbling Down
> The garden contained some wonderful signs in
> English. One identified an artificial mountain with
> a temple on top as the ''Hill of Piled Excellence.'' Not
> far away was a sign that in the United States would
> have said, ''Do Not Touch.'' Here, it read, ''A single
> act of carelessness leads to the eternal loss of beauty.''
How true.
New York Times :: Flags Versus Dollars
> But the right opened an increasingly effective
> counterattack, with a strategy that included using
> racially charged symbolism to get Southern whites
> to vote against their own economic interests. All
> Mr. Dean was saying was that Democrats need to
> understand and counter this strategy.
As my friend Jackie said, "Glad that someone out there has a brain and is using it."
New York Times :: There's a Sucker Born in Every Medial Prefrontal Cortex
> But focus groups are plagued by a basic flaw of human
> psychology: people often do not know their own minds.
Or one of its greatest features, from a social integration point-of-view.